Updated October 1, 2012


Paul's site
manikus' site

Databases (drop in) right click and save as

ability.dat | baseclass.dat | classes.dat | items.dat | monsters.dat | races.dat | specialAbilities.dat | spellGroups.dat | spells.dat | traits.dat

Databases (import to use)

baseclass.txt | classes.txt | items.txt | monsters.txt | races.txt | specialAbilities.txt | spells.txt

config file


Converting .914 and earlier designs to version 1.0 (including these betas)

Converting "old" designs:
Conversion instructions for designs made with .916 or earlier (not a typo some people know of the secret build which as our fallback if the whole special ability thing was a bust).
Please make a back-up of your work before converting - once it's saved in a later edition editor, you can't go back...
1) Open game design (folder that ends with .dsn)
2) Create folder called 'Data'
3) Create folder called 'Resources'
4) Rename folder 'Save' to 'Saves'
5) Right-click in a blank area of your folder, choose 'Arrange Icons By' -> 'Type'
6) Select all files ending in .avi, .bmp, .jpg, .mid, .mp3, .pcx, .png, .tga, and .wav and drag to 'Resources' folder
7) Select all files ending in .dat, .lvl, .txt and drag to 'Data' folder (you may wish to store .txt files in this folder as well)
8) Delete any extra files such as shortcuts
9) Copy UAFWin.exe into folder (it is found in the "editor" folder)

When opening your newly converted design in the editor for the first time, you will receive a warning message that your baseclass file is out of date - please open Databases->Import/Export and import the baseclass.txt found in your Data folder. If one does not exist there, please navigate to the TemplateDesign.dsn folder in you editor directory, and import the baseclass.txt found in the Data folder of this design.

Conversion Batch File by Steve McDonald and myself. Place in your old design and double-click.
Conversion batch file right-click and Save As