Appendix D: Tables
Variable Tables
These tables provide equivalent values for textual data. When retrieving attributes you can use these tables to know if the value '1' means Human, Female, or any other value. Note: tables whose names are in bold, yellow italics refer to Dungeon Craft .95x and earlier generally, later versions have replaced the hard-coded numbers with scripted names found in one of the databases.
Gender Values:
0 = Male, 1 = Female
Class Values:
0 = Fighter, 1 = Cleric, 2 = Ranger, 3 = Paladin,
4 = MagicUser, 5 = Thief, 6 = Druid, 7 = Cleric/Fighter,
8 = Cleric/Fighter/MagicUser, 9 = Cleric/Ranger,
10 = Cleric/MagicUser, 11 = Cleric/Thief, 12 = Fighter/MagicUser,
13 = Fighter/Thief, 14 = Figher/MagicUser/Thief,
15 = MagicUser/Thief, 16 = Fighter/Druid,
17 = Druid/MagicUser, 18 = Fighter/MagicUser/Druid
Alignment Values:
0 = Lawful Good, 1 = Neutral Good, 2 = Chaotic Good,
3 = Lawful Neutral, 4 = True Neutral, 5 = Chaotic Neutral,
6 = Lawful Evil, 7 = Neutral Evil, 8 = Chaotic Evil
Status Values:
0 = Okay, 1 = Unconscious, 2 = Dead, 3 = Fled,
4 = Petrified, 5 = Gone, 6 = Animated, 7 = TempGone,
8 = Running, 9 = Dying
Undead Values:
0 = NotUndead, 1 = Skeleton, 2 = Zombie, 3 = Ghoul,
4 = Shadow, 5 = Wight, 6 = Ghast, 7 = Wraith, 8 = Mummy,
9 = Spectre, 10 = Vampire, 11 = Ghost, 12 = Lich, 13 = Special
Size Values:
0 = Small, 1 = Medium, 2 = Large
Race Values:
0 = Human, 1 = Elf, 2 = Dwarf, 3 = Gnome, 4 = Half-Elf, 5 = Halfling
Character Item Location Slots (example items in parentheses)
0 = Weapon hand (long sword), 1 = Shield hand (buckler),
2 = Body Armor (chain mail), 3 = Hands (gauntlets), 4 = Head (helm),
5 = Waist (belt), 6 = Body robe (wizard robes), 7 = Back (travelling cloak),
8 = Feet (boots), 9 = Fingers (shiny ring), 10 = Ammo Quiver (10 arrows),
11 = Can not be readied