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  • Appendix J: Default Special Abilities




    class_MageScribe controls who can Scribe
    class_MagicResistance provides Magic Resistance calculation
    class_NoSpells indicates if a class may not cast spells
    class_PaladinCureDisease provides Paladins with the Cure Disease ability
    class_PaladinImmuneDisease indicates the classes immunity to disease
    class_PaladinLayOnHands provides Paladins with the Lay on Hands ability
    CombatRoundStart utility ability
    Competing regulates combatants actions and options
    DamageType acid, cold, electrical, fire, poison, water
    Global_CreateMonsterCombatant assigns saving throws to monsters at start of combat
    Global_Transfer determines if drow equipment should be destroyed upon transfer
    IsAfraid effect of Fear ability
    IsBlind effect of Blindness ability
    IsBlinking effect of Blinking ability
    IsCharmed effect of Charm ability
    IsConfused effect of Confusion ability
    IsConfusedExtended further effects of Confusion ability
    IsDiseased effect for Disease ability
    IsDisplaced effect for Displacement ability
    IsDragonFear effect of DragonFear ability
    IsDragonFlee effect of DragonFear ability
    IsDrained indicator of effect of Drain ability
    IsDrainedStrength indicator of monster Drain Strength effect
    IsEnlarged effect of Enlarge ability
    IsFast effect of Haste ability
    IsFastBoots effect of Boots of Speed
    IsFeebleminded effect of Feeblemind ability
    IsFleeing effect for drain by Stirge or Fire Bat
    IsHeld effect of one of the Hold abilities
    IsHelpless effect of StinkingCloud ability
    IsHugged effect of monster hugging ability
    IsImmuneDB effect of ImmuneDragonBreath ability
    IsImmunePoison effect of ImmunePoison ability
    IsImmuneSpells effect of ImmuneSpells ability
    IsImmuneSpellsMinor effect of ImmuneSpellsMinor ability
    IsInsectFlee effect of InsectPlague ability
    IsInvisible effect of Invisible ability
    IsInvisibleRing indicator of effect of Ring of Invisibility
    IsInvisibleSpell indicator of Invisibility spell
    IsInvisibleToAnimals effect of InvisibleToAnimals ability
    IsMirrored effect of the spell_MirrorImage ability
    IsMummyDiseased effect of MummyDiseased ability
    IsMummyFear effect of MummyFear ability
    IsMummyFlee effect of MummyFear ability
    IsParalyzed effect of Paralysis ability
    IsPerson comabtant indicator
    IsPetrified effect of Petrify ability
    IsPlant comabtant indicator
    IsPoisoned effect of Poison abilities
    IsProtectedEvil effect of ProtectionFromEvil ability
    IsProtectedGood effect of ProtectionFromGood ability
    IsReduced effect of Reduce spell
    IsReflecting effect of Reflecting ability
    IsShielded effect of Shield ability
    IsSilenced effect of Silence ability
    IsSleeping effect of Sleep ability
    IsSlow effect of Slow ability
    IsSnake combatant indicator
    IsSnakeCharmed effect of SnakeCharm ability
    IsStunned effect of MindBlast ability
    IsSweeping effect of Sweep ability in Competing (CombatMainMenu Hook)
    item_BootsOfSpeed item ability that doubles users movement
    item_CloakOfDisplacement item ability that improves AC
    item_DrowEquipment item indicator
    item_GauntletsOgrePower item ability that increases strength
    item_GirdleGiantStrength item ability that increases strength
    item_HolyWater item indicator
    item_LongSwordVsGiants item ability which allows double damage versus "giants"
    item_MagicalWeapon 0 = no, 1 = +1, 2 = +2, 3 = +3, 4 = +4, 5 = +5, 6 = other
    item_MissileWeapon 1 = arrow, 2 = bolt, 3 = dart, 4 = javelin/spear, 5 = other
    item_Reflect item ability that allows reflection of gaze attacks
    item_RingOfInvisibility item ability bestowing invisibility (per Invisible ability)
    item_RingOfProtectionFromEvil item ability bestowing ProtectionFromEvil ability
    item_RingOfWizardry item ability
    item_StoneOfGoodLuck item ability which improves Saving Throws
    item_VorpalLongSword item ability that allows enemy decapitation (death) on a roll of 20
    item_WeaponType 0 = blunt, 1 = piercing, 2 = slashing, 3 = piercing/slashing
    monster_BearHug1 effect for bears and owlbear
    monster_BearHug2 effect for bears and owlbear
    monster_BearHugged effect of bear hug on victim
    monster_BearHugging effect of bear hug on attacker
    monster_BeholderAttacks effect to give Beholders 5 attacks per round
    mosnter_CarrionStench effect for Ghouls that lowers enemy thac0
    monster_CombatantAlignment evil, neutral, good
    monster_Displacement effect for Displacement Beast that bestows IsDisplaced SA
    monster_DragonFear effect for Dragons, givess IsDragonFear/IsDragonFlee to enemies
    monster_ElementalGrowth effect for monsters – raises HP
    monster_ElementalImmunity effect for monsters – no damage from elemental attacks
    monster_ElementalResistance effect for monsters – reduced damage from elemental attacks
    monster_ElementalSlowing effect for monsters – reduced movement rate
    monster_ElementalVulnerability effect for monsters – increased damage from elemental attacks
    monster_Engulf1 effect for Shambling Mound
    monster_Engulf2 effect for Shambling Mound
    monster_Engulfed effect on victim of engulf
    monster_Engulfing effect on monster who is engulfing
    monster_FireBatAttack effect for monster - “Fire Bat”
    monster_FireBatDrain effect for monster - “Fire Bat”
    monster_FireBatDrainee effect on victim of monster_FireBatDrain
    monster_GiantSlugSpit effect for monster – “Giant Slug”
    monster_GiantWeaselAttack effect for monster - “Giant Weasel”
    monster_GiantWeaselDrain effect for monster - “Giant Weasel”
    monster_GiantWeaselDrainee effect on victim of monster_GiantWeaselDrain
    monster_ImmuneCharm combatant indicator
    monster_ImmuneFear combatant indicator
    monster_ImmuneHold combatant indicator
    monster_ImmunePoison combatant indicator
    monster_ImmuneSleep combatant indicator
    monster_ImmuneSpellsGreenSlime effect for monster - "Green Slime"
    monster_ImmuneSpellsIronGolem effect for monster - "Iron Golem"
    monster_MummyDisease effect for monster - "Mummy" - causes disease
    monster_MummyFear effect for monster - "Mummy" - causes fear
    monster_Ranger effect for monster, gives Ranger attack bonus
    monster_RearClawRake1 effect for large cats to cause additional damage
    monster_RearClawRake2 effect for large cats to cause additional damage
    monster_Regeneration effect to allow monster to regenerate HP during combat
    monster_Revulsion effect for monster - "Troglodyte" - lowers opponents thac0
    monster_SlimeWeakness effect for monster - "Green Slime"
    monster_SpellImmunity effect for monsters
    monster_StirgeAttack effect for monster - “Stirge”
    monster_StirgeDrain effect for monster - “Stirge”
    monster_StirgeDrainee effect on victim of monster_StirgeDrain
    monster_SummonSlaad effect for monster - "Red Slaad" - summons more Red Slaadi
    monster_TrollGetUp effect for monster - "Troll" - allows them to recover from death
    monster_TrollRegeneration effect for monster - "Troll" - allows Hit Point regeneration
    monster_VulnerableToHolyWater effect for monsters
    monster_WeaponDamageOnlyOne effect for monster - "Intellect Devourer"
    monster_WeaponImmunity effect for monsters, stopping damage from certain weapons
    monster_WeaponImmunityType effect for monsters, stopping damage from certain weapons
    monster_WeaponResistance effect for monsters, lowering damage from certain weapons
    monster_WeaponResistanceType effect for monsters, lowering damage from certain weapons
    monsterLevel combatant indicator
    race_CharmResistant character indicator
    race_CharmResistantMinor character indicator
    race_ElvenAttackBonus combatant indicator
    race_ShortSaveBonus character indicator
    race_SleepResistant character indicator
    race_SleepResistantMinor character indicator
    spell_Attack indicator for “Invisibility” spell
    spell_Bless effect for "Bless" spell
    spell_Blind effect for "Cause Blindness" spell
    spell_Blink effect for "Blink" spell
    spell_Charm effect for various "Charm" spells
    spell_Cloudkill effect for "Cloudkill" spell
    spell_ColdResistant effect for "Resist Cold" spell
    spell_CombatTeleport effect for "Dimension Door" spell
    spell_Confusion effect for various "Confusion" spells
    spell_Curse effect for "Bestow Curse" spell
    spell_CurseMinor effect for "Curse" spell
    spell_DeathSpell effect for "Death Spell"
    spell_DetectMagic effect for various "Detect Magic" spells
    spell_Disease effect for "Cause Disease" spell
    spell_Dispel effect for various "Dispel Magic" spells
    spell_DispelEvil effect for "Dispel Evil" spell
    spell_Drain effect for "Energy Drain" spell and undead draining ability
    spell_DrainVamp effect for Vampire draining ability
    spell_Enlarge effect for "Enlarge" spell
    spell_Entangle effect for "Entangle" spell
    spell_Fear effect for "Fear" spell
    spell_Feeblemind effect for "Feeblemind" spell
    spell_FireResistant effect for "Resist Fire" spell
    spell_FireShield effect for "Fire Shield" spell
    spell_FixBlind indicator for spell
    spell_FixCure indicator for spell
    spell_FixCurse indicator for spell
    spell_FixDisease indicator for spell
    spell_FixDrain indicator for spell
    spell_FixFeeblemind indicator for spell
    spell_FixPoison indicator for spell
    spell_FixRaise indicator for spell
    spell_Fumble effect for "Fumble" spell
    spell_Haste effect for "Haste" spell
    spell_Heal effect for "Heal" spell
    spell_HoldAnimal effect for "Hold Animal" spell
    spell_HoldMonster effect for "Hold Monster" spell
    spell_HoldPerson effect for various "Hold Person" spells
    spell_ImmuneDragonBreath effect for "Protection from Dragon Breath" item
    spell_ImmuneNormalMissiles effect for "Protection from Normal Missiles" spell
    spell_ImmuneSpells effect for "Globe of Spell Protection" spell
    spell_ImmuneSpellsMinor effect for "Minor Globe of Spell Protection" spell
    spell_InsectPlague effect for "Insect Plague" spell
    spell_Invisible effect for various Invisibility spells
    spell_InvisibleToAnimals effect for "Invisible to Animals" spell
    spell_LethalPoison effect for various spells and monsters to poison targets
    spell_MindBlank combatant indicator
    spell_MindBlast effect for spell used by monster (Mind Flayer)
    spell_MirrorImage effect for "Mirror Image" spell
    spell_Paralysis effect for spell used by monster
    spell_Petrify effect for spell used by monster
    spell_PowerWordKill effect for “Power Word: Kill” spell
    spell_PowerWordStun effect for “Power Word: Stun” spell
    spell_ProtectionFromEvil efect used by various spells and Paladins
    spell_ProtectionFromGood effect used by various spells
    spell_PurpleWormBite effect for spell used by monster (Purple Worm)
    spell_RaiseDead effect for Raise Dead spell
    spell_Reduce effect for Reduce spell
    spell_RemoveBlindness effect for Cure Blindness spell
    spell_RemoveCurse effect for Remove Curse spell
    spell_RemoveDisease effect for Cure Disease spell
    spell_RemoveFeeblemind effect to cancel Feeblemind spell
    spell_RemovePetrified effect to cancel spell_Petrify Special Ability
    spell_RemovePoison effect for Neutralize Poison spell
    spell_Restoration effect for Restoration spell
    spell_Resurrection effect for Resurrection spell
    spell_SeeInvisible effect for varioius spells
    spell_Shield effect for “Shield” spell
    spell_Silence effect for “Silence” spell
    spell_Sleep effect for “Sleep” spell
    spell_Slow effect for “Slow” spell
    spell_SnakeCharm effect for “Snake Charm” spell
    spell_SpeakWithAnimals effect for “Speak with Animals” spell
    spell_StinkingCloud effect for “Stinking Cloud” spell
    spell_Summon1 effect for “Monster Summoning I” spell
    spell_Summon2 effect for “Monster Summoning II” spell
    spell_Summon3 effect for “Monster Summoning III” spell
    spell_Summon4 effect for “Monster Summoning IV” spell
    spell_Summon5 effect for “Monster Summoning V” spell
    spell_Summon6 effect for “Monster Summoning VI” spell
    spell_Summon7 effect for “Monster Summoning VII” spell
    spell_SummonAnimal1 effect for “Animal Summoning I” spell
    spell_SummonAnimal2 effect for “Animal Summoning II” spell
    spell_SummonAnimal3 effect for “Animal Summoning III” spell
    spell_SummonElementalEarth effect for “Conjure Earth Elemental” spell
    spell_SummonElementalFire effect for “Conjure Fire Elemental” spell
    spell_WeakPoison effect for spell used by monster