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  • Basic Tutorial: Adding a Special Ability

    1. To create a new special ability, click on 'Database' on the upper menu, and from the drop-down menu, choose 'Add Spcial Ability...' or by using 'CTRL+C' hotkey combination.

    1. The Special Ability editor operates a little differently from the other database editors. Instead of just clicking a button to get a special screen, you add new Special Abilities right from this screen. I typed the name of the new special ability in the box and clicked 'New Special Ability'. The name can be anything, I chose one that is descriptive of what I want to use it for.

    1. This special ability will show that a monster is "tired", so I choose a scripting Hook from the list, in this case "CharCombatStatus" and type that in the box.
    2. In order to proceed, something must be typed in this box. Because the script is so short, I entered it here, but I could have have entered anything and edited in a leter step in the Script Editor.

    1. I chose that the line I just added is a 'Script'. (Any time a Hook is used, this is the choice.)
    2. I want to make sure that my script is correctly written, even though it's a short one. So, I choose 'Edit Line'. to open the Script Editor.

      1. Since I have already written my script to show that a monster is "tired", all I need to do in the Script Editor is check the script's syntax. A pop-up will tell me that the script is "OK" (if there were an error, a dialog with details about the error would pop up).
      2. Unlike other databases, the special ability is a "secondary" thing, needing to be "attacked" to something else - something in one of ther other databases: item, monster, spell, baceclass, class, race, spell group, or trait. More about this in the intermediate tutorial.