Converting pre-version 1.0 designs and player characters
Converting designs:
Converting designs from version .914 and earlier to version 1.0 and later is a simple and straight-forward process. Please make a back-up of your work before converting - once it's saved in a later edition editor, you can't go back...
- Open game design (folder that ends with .dsn)
- Create folder called 'Data'
- Create folder called 'Resources'
- Rename folder 'Save' to 'Saves'
- Right-click in a blank area of your folder, choose 'Arrange Icons By' -> 'Type'
- Select all files ending in .avi, .bmp, .jpg, .mid, .mp3, .pcx, .png, .tga, and .wav and drag to 'Resources' folder
- Select all files ending in .dat, .lvl, .txt and drag to 'Data' folder (you may wish to store .txt files in this folder as well)
- Delete any extra files such as shortcuts
- Copy UAFWin.exe into folder (it is found in the "editor" folder)
Converting player characters:
- Open the .914 design and join all characters you wish to save to a party and save the game. Repeat this as many times as is needed for all the characters
- Follow the steps above to convert your design to the new format.
- Open the design using the version 1.0 engine (or in the new editor)
- Load the saved party