Text Race Database
Names should not conflict with any of the names in the baseclass database, class database, items database, spells database, or abilities database, all baseclasses start with a lower case letter and classes with an upper case letter.
Keyword height lists the height in inches of the character. Eg: height = 2d10+59+1*Male
Keyword weight lists the weight in pounds of the character. Eg: weight = 6d10+100+40*Male
Keyword age is the character's starting age. Eg: age = 1d10+80+1*Male
Keyword maxage is the maximum age that the character can reach. Eg: maxage = 1d100 + 450
BaseMovement is the distance a character of this race can move during combat. Eg: BaseMovement = 6
AbilityRequirement lists the ability and the minimum and maximum numbers for the ability. Eg: AbilityRequirement = Strength 8/18(99)
AllowedMultiClass lists the class name for each of the allowed multi-classes for the race. Eg: AllowedMultiClass = Fighter/Thief
Skills consist of the skill name and the score. Eg: Skill = DetectGrade,75
SkillAdjAbility allows modification of a Skill based upon an ability. Name, ability, type, score modifier for each of the 25 ability scores. Eg: SkillAdjAbility = Read,Intelligence,%,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,85,90,95,100,100,100,100,100,105,110,115,115,115,115,115,115,115
SkillAdjRace allows modification of skills, by listing the name of the skill, name of the race, percentage sign and number to modify it by. Eg: SkillAdjRace = OpenLocks,Hobbit,%,110
Special Abilities correspond to the Special Ability database and list the name and parameter. Eg: Special Ability = race_ShortSaveBonus,12
Adjustments for the keywords, Height, Weight, Age and Maxage are of the form:
- +/-n*(characteristic-k)/d
- height = +1*(Level-0)/1 ; Means (+1*(level-0))/1
- height = 1*(Level-0)/1
- height = 1*level/1
- height = level/1
- height = 1*level
- height = level
Division throws remainder away. +1/2 = 0 -1/2 = 0
\(BEGIN) name = Dwarf weight = 4d9+100+((30+1d4)*Male) height = 2d5+40+(2d2*Male) age = 5d6+40 maxage = 2d100+250 BaseMovement = 6 AbilityRequirement = Strength 8/18(99) AbilityRequirement = Intelligence 3/18 AbilityRequirement = Wisdom 3/18 AbilityRequirement = Dexterity 3/17 AbilityRequirement = Constitution 11/19 AbilityRequirement = Charisma 3/16 AllowedMultiClass = Fighter/Thief Special Ability = race_ShortSaveBonus,12 ChangeClass = no DwarfResistance = yes GnomeResistance = no FindSecretDoor = no FindSecretDoorSearching = no Skill = DetectGrade,75 Skill = DetectApproxDepth,50 Skill = Infravision,60 Skill = DetectNewConstruction,75 Skill = DetectSliding,67 Skill = MaxLevel$SYS$,40 SkillAdjAbility = MaxLevel$SYS$,Strength,+,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 SkillAdjBaseclass = MaxLevel$SYS$,fighter,\=,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 SkillAdjRace = OpenLocks,Dwarf,%,110 SkillAdjRace = FindTraps,Dwarf,%,115 SkillAdjRace = ClimbWalls,Dwarf,%,90 SkillAdjRace = ReadLanguages,Dwarf,%,95 \(END)