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  • Zone Editor

    The Zone Editor is opened from the top menu 'Level' -> 'Zones' or by pressing “Z” on the editor toolbar.

    1. This is the name of the zone. The designer may rename it to anything she wishes.
    2. If the designer wishes a message to appear to the player when they are in this zone, it is typed in here. All methods which may be used to modify the font in a Text Statement event (see below) may be used in this text box. Note, any message here will appear upon entering each square of this zone.
    3. The radial buttons offer one of three choices for how the player map will appear in Area View (see above).
    4. These buttons allow the designer to determine the default art for this zone, as well as the summoned monster (may be any one from the Monster Database).
    5. If the designer wishes to use music for this zone other than that set for the level, it is defined here. The time that it occurs is also set here.
    6. If the designer wishes to make Turning Undead (in combat) more difficult, this is where she determines the amount by which it is changed, expressed as a percentage.
    7. If the party is allowed to rest in this level (see #8 below), this section determines the percentage chance of the rest being interrupted, and how often the engine should check, expressed in minutes.
    8. These checkboxes determine what the player is allowed to do in this zone and also if Auto-darkening is allowed.
    9. The arrow buttons allow the designer to move sequentially forward and backward through the various zones.
    10. This button allows the designer to choose specific Area View Zone art for this zone.