Display the Party Location and Time
There are several 'Global' scripts that can be defined to modify the text location, the text, and the text color of information pertaining to the party location and time-of-day. All these scripts should be attached to the 'Global' Special Ability named “Global_Display”.
Information is passed to the script and returned from the script in the 'Hook Parameters'. In all cases, the following hook parameters are passed to the script:
Common Parameters that can be modified
Parameter[5] = default X location of text
Prameter[6] = default Y locatoin of text
Prameter[7] = default text that will be displayed
Prameter[8] = default color of text ("White") options include “Blue”, “Green”, “Yellow”, “Red”, and “Orange”.
Parameters Specific to Individual Hooks
Parameter[1] = X location of the party
Parameter[2] = Y location of the party
example: "23" and "45"
Parameter[7] = default text
example: "7,11"
Paremeter[1] = integer that defines the party's direction. 0 = North; 1 = East; etc. clockwise
Parameter[7] =default text
example: “South”
Parameter[] = nonzero if the party is searching
Parameter[] = default text
example: "Searching..."
Parameter[1] = time in days
Parameter[2] = time in hours
Parameter[3] = time in minutes
example: 72,22,42