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  • Draw Move Menu

    At the time we are constructing the 'MOVE' menu during combat we call any combatant scripts named DrawMoveMenu. Normally the 'MOVE' menu consists of only the one option, 'EXIT' and is titled "MOVES LEFT: 5". The player is allowed to either exit or take a step in any direction. This script can change the title of the menu, suppress the possibility of movement, adjust the number of allowed moves, or other things. The result returned by the script is a delimited string. The first character of the string is the delimiting character. The sub-strings are identified by their first character. The following commands are accepted:

    No commands currently implemented.


    Parameter [1] = number of steps remaining. You can change this and it will become the new value. In particular, you can change it to zero and the combatant's turn will end.

