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  • WallSubstitutions

    Script name is “Wall where nnnn is the 4-digit wall number.

    Example: the script “Wall0001” might return “4” if the time is between midnight and 1 AM.

    Example script that replaces wall based on time of day (for text database)
    name = WallSubstitutions
    [Wall0002] = $VAR time;
    -time = $GET_PARTY_HOURS();
    -$IF ((time <# 6) || (time ># 19)) {$RETURN "9";};

    Example script to show how you might use a Winter wall (for text databse)
    $VAR ssn;
    ssn = $GET_PARTY_DAYS() %# 365;
    $IF (ssn ># 272) {$RETURN "17";};
    // winter walls
    // replaces wall with slot #17

    Example sctipt for using with a tracked event, in this example an apaclypse (for text databse)
    $VAR apoc;
    apoc = $GET_PARTY_ASL("Apocalypse");
    $IF (apoc ># 100) {$RETURN "33";};
    $IF (apoc ># 500) {$RETURN "65";};
    // at 100, things get bad, at 500 things are worst
    // replaces wall with slot #33
    // later replaces wall with slot #65